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Programs for different ages and levels

Parents learn alongside children

Partners learn together

Customised Programs   

I will develop a learning program to suit each individual,  for children and adults of all ages. These programs will be developed around what each person wants to achieve with their music.

These programs can include preparing for your AMEB gradings, fine tuning your music skills if you are already  studying music at school , or simply learning to play for pleasure.

One exciting Program is my Parents and Children's lessons and Partners Lessons.

Please read below for more info.

 Parents and Childrens Program.  
Partners Program 

I have found that one area of learning that seems to suffer is when the lesson is finished, and students need to practice and study by themselves. When they require assistance, they often don't have someone at home to help who understands their questions. I have always encouraged parents to join in with their children's studies. Learn together!

I also believe that this is a great experience for partners to learn music together. It is a great opportunity to learn ,and a great bonding experience.

  End of Year Recital  

Each year, (Once there are enough students!) I will get each of my students to perform in an end of year recital. This will be a great opportunity for friends and family to see how each student has developed, as well as giving the student confidence in performing in front of an audience. This new found confidence will transfer into other areas of their lives. Performing from a young age enabled me to advance my career outside music, giving me the confidence to speak in front of large groups of people.

 Music is Fun 

Music is a great way to unwind after a hard day. Play a musical instrument. Put on your favourite song and rock out, or relax and just listen. 

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